Ragtag, via CenturyLink Prism, is showing televised World Cup Games, through July 13, 2014. Ragtag Cinema is located downtown at 10 Hitt St, Columbia MO 65201. Tickets are required (even for free showings) and seating is limited. As a rule, tickets can be obtained at the ticket office the day of the showing, from opening time (about 10 or 10:30 am). Only food/drink purchased there is allowed in the theater. Ragtag event page: http://www.ragtagcinema.org/films.php?id=862.
The schedule (to date) is as follows:
Fri 6/20
2:00pm (Switzerland vs France)
Sat 6/21
11:00am (Argentina vs Iran)
Sun 6/22
5:00pm (United States vs Portugal)
Mon 6/23
11:00am TBA
3:00pm TBA
Tue 6/24
11:00am TBA
3:00pm TBA
Wed 6/25
11:00am TBA
3:00pm TBA
Thu 6/26
11:00am TBA