Grape Stomping at the Crush Festival.
We have 22 events on the calendar so far this weekend (there are still two music events to add for Sunday—I will get that on the calendar later this morning). Of course, some of the events span both days, so that may make it easier to pick and choose what to do when. Please see the calendar notes for addresses, and more details. Highlights:
- Crush Festival at Les Bourgeouis: Fun! Bring the kids (if you have them). Get there early: Pumpkin painting is available while the pumpkins last. They usually have a bounce house as well as other activities for kids. Bonus: This is your chance to experience what it feels like to stomp grapes! (They spray your feet clean when you are done.) People of all ages enjoy grape stomping at the end of the parking lot before you get to the A-frame, where adults can sample wine and kids can sample the grape juice.
- Paws in the Park: While this is a fundraiser, there are free, fun things for dog lovers to see and do, including watching the Dog Diving Competition. This event is now both Saturday and Sunday.
- The City’s Energy Efficiency Expo is today at the Central Missouri Events Center (formerly Boone County Fairgrounds). Lots of good info and sample items for making your home and/or office more energy efficient.
- Art reception at The PS Gallery this evening: Always wonderful art and food.
- Regular events, such as Saturday Morning Science, Home Depot Kids Workshop, Barnes & Noble storytime for kids, and TRYPS for kids at the public library are all going on today.
- The Columbia Public Library has Garden Prep for Winter and Spring, a public speaking workshop (this is a registered event, call 443-3161 to see if there are openings), and meet an author talk.
- Movies this weekend: Epic, Everyone’s Hero, and 22 Jump Street.
- Tomorrow, Sunday, is the Old Wheels Car show at the Boone County Historical Society by Nifong Park.
- On Sunday, at Barnes & Noble, a Route 66 talk and book signing.
- Music on Sunday includes Tunes at Two at the public library (fiddle, banjo, and guitar music), and the MU Music Department has both a student and faculty recital (these will be added to the calendar later this morning)
- Entrepreneurs and those interested in new businesses can check out the final Columbia Startup Weekend presentations at Museao on Sunday evening.
Have a fabulous weekend!
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