Photo by Katie Yaeger.
60 events on the calendar so far this week! It is Presidents’ Day today, so no USPS mail delivery and banks will be closed.
Because of the snow, crews are working on priority snow routes, and remember not to park your car in these areas! See city snow info / updates here. See Priority Snow Route info (where not to park!) here. Also, if you want to keep up with City roads info, we love and recommend checking the Public Works Facebook page. Columbia Public Schools and MU campus are closed today. Columbia College day campus is closed, and the evening campus will be decided later today. The Columbia Public Library will open at 1 pm today. Check your event of interest to see if it is still scheduled today.
Highlights for the week are below. As always, click on calendar items in the right column for links, descriptions, and any good info we could find about the event.
The Regularly Available page includes more events! For consideration: Eastside Tavern generally has a comedy night on Tuesday nights—check their Facebook page to confirm. On Wednesday, the skies are forecast to be clear, although it will be cold! So if you love stars, and are hearty and willing to bundle, check out Laws Observatory at the top of the MU Physics Building from 8-10 pm, where CMAA volunteers will aim the telescope at the good stuff in the night sky.
Mon Feb 16
7-8:15 pm: “Missouri: Heart of the Nation” Art Collection talk in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library (100 W Broadway—Broadway & Garth intersection)
Tue Feb 17
7-9 pm: Hearing Voices/Seeing Visions talks by YuMin Ye (young-adult fiction), T’Keyah Thomas (poetry), and Citizen Jane Filmmakers Camp film at Orr Street Studios (106 Orr St)
Wed Feb 18
10 am: (alt weather date: Feb 25) Poetry Out Loud Competition (high school students) in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library (100 W Broadway—Broadway & Garth intersection).
Thu Feb 19
6-8 pm: Resident Arts Art Critique Night in their space at Orr Street Studios (106 Orr St). Artists: Get feedback on your work!
Fri Feb 20
4-6 pm: Art reception for the Grindstone Studio Print Show in the Larson Gallery of Brown Hall, Columbia College (1001 Rogers St). Parking available in the lot behind Brown Hall, which is accessible from 8th Street.
Wed Feb 18
8-10:15 pm: The Theory of Everything (2014) [PG-13] [2:03] (Wrench Auditorium, Memorial Union South, MU) – Memorial Union South, 518 Hitt St, University of Missouri
Thu Feb 19
7-9 pm: Nas: Time is Illmatic (2014) [NR] [1:18] (Missouri Theatre) – Missouri Theatre 203 S 9th St
7-9:30 pm: Museum of Art & Archaeology film series – Do the Right Thing (1989) [R] [2:00] showing in 707 Mizzou North (115 W Business Loop 70)
Fri Feb 20 & Sat Feb 21
7 & 9:30 pm each night: ($1) Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) [R] [1:48] showing in Wrench Auditorium, Memorial Union South (518 Hitt St), on the University of Missouri campus.
Sat Feb 21
6-8:30 pm: Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) [PG] [1:47] showing in the Armory Sports Center (701 East Ash St)
Check out the rest of the wonderful performances, talks, classes, City info sessions, and more on the FCMo calendar!
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