The Epigenetics Revolution: Nature, Nurture and What Lies Ahead

The 11th Life Sciences & Society Program (LSSP) Symposium is happening on March 13-15, 2015, and will focus on the emerging science of epigenetics. Attendance is free and open to the public. Registration is requested for all attendees, and includes entry to all talks and light refreshments during the symposium. Information is also available on their Facebook page.

Epigenetics (meaning above genetics) is the branch of science that studies the regulation of genes and other genetic material. Epigenetics is the study of how the environment—including the social environment—affects the expression of DNA.

This Symposium explores what epigenetics means, how epigenetic effects work, and examples of epigenetic effects stemming from the neonatal environment, diet, exposure to toxins, exposure to stress or social trauma, and even whether genes are inherited from your mother or your father. The lineup of interdisciplinary speakers includes science journalist Annie Murphy Paul, geneticist and philosopher Massimo Pigliucci (CUNY), epigenetics researcher Tracy Bale (Penn), public health researcher Irva Hertz-Picciotto (UC Davis), Mizzou medicine grad and biotech business founder Frederick Hausheer (BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals), and epidemiologist Shanna Swan (Mount Sinai School of Medicine).

Parking is free in the MU parking garages: Virginia Avenue Garage is closest and University Avenue Garage is the best alternative. University lots in the area are also generally available—check the sign at the entrance to be sure. Metered street parking will be in effect on Saturday.

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Friday, March 13, 2015
6:30 pm  Annie Murphy Paul—Sharing Epigenetic Research with the Public

Saturday, March 14, 2015
8:30 am  Coffee
9:00 am  Tracy Bale—Stress parents: maternal and paternal epigenetic programming of the developing brain
10:00 am  Coffee and bagels
10:30 am  Oliver Rando—You Are What Your Father Ate (in conjunction with Saturday Morning Science)
11:30 am   Massimo Pigliucci—Epigenetic inheritance and evolutionary theory: the resurgence of natural philosophy
2:15 pm  Irva Hertz-Picciotto—Environment and Autism: Past Evidence, Current Research and Future Quandaries
3:15 pm  Shanna Swan—Prenatal stress modifies the impact of phthalates on boys’ reproductive tract development
4:15 pm  Coffee and cookies
4:30 pm  Panel Session: All Speakers

Sunday, March 15, 2015
8:30 am  Coffee
9:00 am  Shuk-mei Ho—DOHaD, Epigenetics and Cancer
10:00 am  Coffee and bagels
10:30 am  Joya Chandra—The epigenetics of pediatric cancers
11:30 am  Ted Koditschek—Before Epigenetics: Early Ideas about the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics

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