July 30-Aug 5, 2018—starting a new month! As always, events are regularly added, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them. Here are some highlights:
Mizzou Vegetable Grower’s Field Day.
6:30-8 pm: Ukulele Fight Club will be at the Columbia Public Library. For ages 5 to adult, attendees can listen or play. Lessons available at 6:30 pm, and the group begins playing at 7 pm. If you cannot make this meeting and / or are interested in more, the group regularly meets on the first and third Mondays at Dickey’s BBQ (on Forum).
7-9 pm: Youth Jazz Jam will be going on at Fretboard Coffee.
The group “is geared towards young improvisers (be that age or experience) that want to improve their jazz skills by playing with a live rhythm section. While this jam is geared towards younger players, no one will be turned away. All instruments and skill levels welcome. Teachers don’t be shy about coming to play with, and model for, your students.”
9-10 am: 1 Million Cups will feature Hispanic Chamber of Commerce this week. 1 Million Cups features enterprises each week, and invites community questions and feeback to help the community grow.
3-6 pm: Growers can attend the Vegetable Grower’s Field Day at the University of Missouri Bradford Research Center. Topics include pollination, production techniques by the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture, organic watermelons and cover crops, sweet corn, hops varieties, tomatoes and peppers, and a wagon tour to visit the research plots.
10 am-12 pm: LEGO Batman Movie is showing at Forum 8 Theater. This is the last day of the daily showings this week. If you are signed up for the free rewards program, the movie is free, otherwise it is only $1.
9 am-12 pm: Home Depot Kids Workshop will have kits for making Bookworm Bookends for kids ages 5-12.
10 am-8 pm: Visit activities throughout the day for the Yellow Dog Bookshop 5th Birthday Bash.
6-9:30 pm: Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Gathering at Gordon Shelter in Stephens Lake Park.
2-3 pm: Tunes at Two, featuring fiddler Paul Fotsc on the Reading Balcony of the Columbia Public Library. Relax and listen to featured local musicians on the first Sunday of the month.
This week is full of entrepreneurial and literary events, art, dancing, karaoke, nature, comedy, and so much more! See them all on the calendar to the right.
Have a wonderful week!
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See all the events, and details, by viewing the calendar in the right column.
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