Highlights for Aug 13-19, 2018. As always, events are regularly added, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
Mon, Aug 13
9:30 am-12 pm: Genealogy Drop-In at the Columbia Public Library. Interested in your family history? If so, have you taken advantage of the genealogy programs at our public library? They have sessions regarding access to family history search services, how and where to do research, and this session open time for dropping in and asking questions or getting help has needed. Check it out—this is a great resource!
“Fur Traders Descend the Missouri” by George Caleb Bingham, 1845
Tue, Aug 14
7-8 pm (with social hour at 6 pm): Big Muddy Speaker Series is back with a talk about An Art Historical Journey Along the Missouri River. Regularly held at the Les Bourgeois Bistro (the restaurant is closed to the public at this time), this talk is about how the Missouri River (aka Big Muddy) affected human visual culture—from petroglyphs made by Indigenous artists to the European and American artist/explorers of the 19th century to contemporary artists. This presentation, includes a curated selection of the river’s most iconic images and discusses how artist’s representations have shifted through the centuries.
Wed, Aug 15
8:30-10 pm: The movie Toy Story will be playing at Rose Music Hall. Gates open at 7 pm for seating. And since this is a G movie, it is friendly for all ages! You can bring picnic blankets and lawn chairs, but no outside food or drink.
Thu, Aug 16
12-2 pm and 4-6 pm: Enjoy Natural Grocers’ 63rd Anniversary Celebration with food and samples! From 12-2 pm, learn how to make Chocolate Powerhouse Pudding and then have some! From 4-6 pm is the Ice Cream Social with samples of ice cream sundaes, root beer floats, and other dairy and non-dairy ice cream treats. Samples are usually available throughout the store during the day.
Fri, Aug 17
6-7:30 pm: Women’s Intentional Drum Circle at Heart, Body and Soul. Bring your own percussion instrument or use one available there—no experience necessary. This is a free form circle and participants are invited to explore rhythm on their own terms, listen to the patterns going on around them and play from their hearts.
Sat, Aug 18
9 am-5 pm: Citizens’ University, a collaborative effort of local groups including Peaceworks, Sierra Club-Osage Group, and CoMo for Progress, will be held be at Naka Hall (aka Engineering Building West) on the University of Missouri campus. This is an opportunity to join fellow activists and advocates for a day of education, fellowship, and hands-on training. Tickets are still available.
Sun, Aug 19
1-4 pm: This is the last weekend for Connor’s Cave Tours (ages 5+) at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park. Available from 1-4 pm on both Sat, Aug 18, and Sun, Aug 19, drop by before 3:45 pm, groups of up to 15 people will be taken for approximately 20 minute tour.
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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See all the events, and details, by viewing the calendar in the right column.
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