Highlights for Aug 27-Sep 2, 2018. As always, events are regularly added, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
USAF Shades of Blue Jazz Band
Mon, Aug 27
6-8 pm: Concert Series – USAF Shades of Blue Jazz Band at the amphitheater in Stephens Lake Park. Access the park from Old Highway 63 (beach entrance side). Parking is recommended across the street in the medical park lot.
Tue, Aug 28
9:45 pm-12 am: As Yet Unnamed Comedy Show at Eastside Tavern. This weekly comedy show is for adults, and the lineup is usually posted the day before on Facebook.
Wed, Aug 29
7-11 pm: Movies in the Park: Best in Show (2000) [PG-13 (for language and sex-related material)] [1:31] & Central Missouri Humane Society Dog Adoption Event at Rose Music Hall. At the other movie events, the movie begins at 8:30 pm, but the movie time is not posted for this dual event.
8-10 pm: Movie – Isle of Dogs (2018) [PG-13] [1:41] in Wrench Auditorium, Memorial Union South at Mizzou. Free Wednesday movies are back for the fall semester at the University of Missouri. They generally show highly rated films.
Thu, Aug 30
5:30-6:15 pm: See Dazzling Magic with Marty the Magician at the Columbia Public Library. This family event should be lots of silly fun.
Fri, Aug 31
6-8 pm: Art reception: Arcana show at the Columbia Art League (CAL). This is the opening reception for the Tarot-theme show which is on view to November 9, 2018.
Sat, Sep 1
12:15-1 pm: Make Organic Apple No-Bake “Cookies” tasting
2-3 pm: Nutrition Seminar & Tasting – Let’s Taco ‘Bout Organics
Both of these information and tasting events are at Natural Grocers, kicking off their Organic Harvest Month.
Notes: There is no movie at the Armory today, and Slow Art Saturday is moved to next weekend to follow First Friday.
Sat, Sep 2
12-6:30 pm: Jazz Music Festival at Rose Music Hall. The Jazz Forward Initiative, Inc. has held an annual jazz festival in Jefferson City for many years, and is now bringing a jazz festival to Columbia! Gates open at 11 am, and all ages can attend. You may wish to bring a blanket or chair(s) for seating, but no outside food or drinks.
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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See all the events, and details, by viewing the calendar in the right column.
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