Highlights for Sep 3-9, 2018. As always, events are regularly added, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
Mon, Sep 3
6:30-8:30 pm: Ukulele Fight Club will be meeting at their regular time at Dickey’s BBQ. This month they will be practicing for their performance at the Eco Art Fest (Cooper’s Landing) on Sep 8.
Wed, Sep 5
8:30-10:30 pm: Movies in the Park: Superbad (2007) [R] [1:53] at Rose Music Hall. Gates open at 7 pm. You may wish to bring a blanket or chair(s) for seating, but no outside food or drinks are allowed.
8-10 pm: Movie – Thoroughbreds (2018) [R] [1:30] in Wrench Auditorium, Memorial Union South at Mizzou.
Fix your bike tires at the Flat Changing Clinic at Walt’s Bike Shop.
Thu, Sep 6
6-7 pm: Flat Changing Clinic for fixing your bike tires is now being held monthly at Walt’s Bike Shop. A great opportunity to get help with your bike, learn how to fix a flat on the road, and which tools to have with you.
Fri, Sep 7
7:30-9:30 pm: Party With the Stars is back at the Columbia Public Library. This month features viewing Saturn, Mars and the summer constellations in our September skies. As the library is closed, remember to enter through the Gene Martin Secret Garden at the west end of the main parking lot, and meet in the Children’s Program Room (aka “the egg”) to start with a slide show of the two visible planets and some of the top stellar events of the season. Then, weather permitting, head outside for a laser sky tour and telescope views of both the planets and an exploding star or two. Everyone receives a free star chart. Co-sponsored by the Central Missouri Astronomical Association. For families, ages 6 and older.
6-9 pm: First Friday is also back in downtown Columbia. Focused in the North Village area, from Walnut and Orr Streets, venues include the art reception and awards for the Beneath the Surface (One Read) show at Orr Street Studios, Artlandish Galleries, and the September show at Sager Braudis Gallery. See events with “FF” in the title for more.
Sat, Sep 8
11-11:30-ish am: Story Time at Yellow Dog Bookshop. This monthly story time aims to be a casual, fun, anything goes event. Best suited to 1-7 years, but all ages are welcome.
11-11:30-ish am: Storytime and Activities featuring Corduroy Takes a Bow in the children’s area at Barnes and Noble. At this weekly storytime, celebrate 50 years of America’s favorite teddy bear with a brand-new, classically illustrated picture book by Academy Award winner Viola Davis.
Youth Basketball Clinic with the Mizzou Men’s and Women’s basketball teams.
9 am-12 pm: Mizzou Youth Basketball Clinic at Douglass Park. Hosted by Mizzou Men’s and Women’s Basketball teams, this event is for boys age K-6 and girls age K-8. There will be drills, contests, prize giveaways, autograph sessions, and pictures with the players and more. Walkup registration begins at 9 am.
Sun, Sep 9
2-4 pm: Movie – Local Hero (1983) [PG] [1:52] at 148 Mizzou North. Hosted by the Mizzou Museum of Art and Archaeology. This regular movie series has changed its regular time from evening to afternoon showings.
2-3 pm: Tunes at Two at the Columbia Public Library. This month features Chris Stephens, who plays Middle Eastern and Asian instruments.
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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See all the events, and details, by viewing the calendar in the right column.
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