Highlights for Sep 17-23, 2018. There are 79 events so far on the calendar this week. As always, events are regularly added and updated, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
Art by Craig Norton. On exhibit at Columbia College.
Mon, Sep 17
12-1:30 pm: University of Missouri Department of Anthropology Lecture: The Natural Selection of Bad Science will be held in room S110 of the Memorial Union. Paul Smaldino will present empirical evidence and the results of formal modeling to support his conclusion that if methodological strategies that maximize token counts are misaligned with those that increase signal strength, the probability that scientific results reflect reality will fall, and suggest that many current incentive structures in professional science organizations are detrimental to the ultimate aims of scientific research. He concludes with some thoughts on how organizations can act to improve the quality of science research.
Tue, Sep 18
6-8 pm: City of Columbia Recycling Ambassadors Training for new Ambassadors will be held at the ARC (Activity & Recreation Center). Recycling Ambassadors promote waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Trainees are asked to share a minimum of 12 hours a year promoting recycling. Opportunities include staffing education booths at festivals and events, community outreach projects, giving presentations, and assisting with waste audits and education events. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, the Recycling Ambassador program allows citizens who are concerned with the environment, natural resources, and sustainability, an opportunity for hands-on participation to influence others to increase the recycling rate and reduce waste in Columbia.
Wed, Sep 19
11:50 am-2:30 pm: 18th Fire Factor and PAVE (Pedestrian and Vehicle Education). At 11:50 am, the simulated room burn is conducted in Speaker’s Circle. This is an impressive and realistic demonstration with a room built each year for this event, and, of course, firefighters on hand to put it out after realistic arrival timing. Note: As you can expect from a large fire, significant heat is generated, so consider how close you wish to stand. For small children, this can be scary. Also, if a feedback survey is distributed, that may be required for your pizza and t-shirt (while supplies last), and in the past, the pizza lines have been long! PAVE includes fire safety events such as fire extinguisher training and an obstacle course, and learn about seat belt safety, crosswalk etiquette, and more.
6-8 pm: The last Family Fun Fest of the year, with the theme Creative Kids will be held near Burford and Lamb Shelters in Cosmo Park. The event includes hands-on kid friendly art activities, musical performances, theater, and dance.
Thu, Sep 20
3-4 pm: Artist talk and reception for the Craig Norton Exhibit will be at the Larson Gallery in Brown Hall on the Columbia College campus. As this is during a weekday, campus lots will be restricted and parking options are the surrounding neighborhood streets.
Atlatl demonstration.
Fri, Sep 21
7:30-9:30 pm: 16th Life and Literature Performance Series at Studio 4 in McKee Gymnasium on the University of Missouri (MU) campus. This annual, free theater event features cutting-edge original and adapted works by MU student authors, giving voice to emerging talent by staging a diverse body of new scripts. First come, first seated, doors at 7 pm.
Sat, Sep 22
8:54 pm CDT: Autumnal Equinox (first day of fall).
10:30-11:30 am: Saturday Morning Science (SMS) on “What happens when you drink alcohol and why should you care” at Monsanto Auditorium in the Bond Life Sciences Center on the University of Missouri campus. Psychology professor Denis M. McCarthy will speak about how alcohol affects everyone, how and why it affects people differently, and how research is finding ways to identify when alcohol puts people at risk and how we can reduce that risk. SMS is a series of community-friendly science talks on a wide variety of subjects. From 10 am on, get bagels, donuts, coffee, and juice before the talk. Be sure to finish eating beforehand as no food or beverages are allowed in the auditorium.
12-2 pm: Atlatl Demonstration with the University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology in front of Mizzou North. Learn about the atlatl, or spear thrower, that was used for thousands of years in Missouri. See the Mizzou Atlatl Club demonstrate the atlatl, and then try it yourself. The Missouri Atlatl Association will also have a Moche toss; a game to see who can “capture” the Moche with their dart. 5th grade and older do best handling the atlatl. While you are there, go inside to the second floor of Mizzou North and explore both the Anthropology Museum and Museum of Art & Archaeology.
Sun, Sep 23
12-6:30 pm: Celebrate Mid-Missouri Pagan Pride Day in Peace Park. This is a one-day public event celebrating fellowship, promoting tolerance, and educating the local community about Paganism. It has been held annually since 2000 and features workshops and entertainers in a street-fair-style atmosphere.
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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