Highlights for Oct 8-14, 2018. The theme for the post this week is checking out the Columbia Public Library. Taxes go toward paying for these programs, so take advantage of them! As always, events are regularly added and updated, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
Mon, Oct 8
7-8:30 pm (refreshments at 6:30 pm): Equal Justice Under the Law? Holly Burgess Public Policy Forum at the Columbia Public Library. KFRU’s David Lile moderates this panel exploring the ongoing challenges facing the public defender system in Missouri, including chronic underfunding, which exacerbates inequities in the criminal justice system. Speakers will also address other systemic practices in Missouri that contribute to inequities and offer potential solutions. Panel members will be Greg Mermelstein, deputy director for the specialty practices and resources for the Missouri State Public Defender system and Melinda Pendergraph, training director for the Missouri State Defender system. Co-sponsored by the AAUW-Columbia branch, Civil Liberties Committee of the League of Women Voters of Columbia-Boone County and the Mid-Missouri Civil Liberties Association.
Mah Jongg tiles.
Tue, Oct 9
1-2:30 pm: Intro to Mah Jongg, American Style 2018, Part I at the Columbia Public Library. Instructor Hanna Klachko will get you started on the American version of this ancient game, which is experiencing a nationwide resurgence in popularity. This presentation will introduce you to the tiles and the specifics of the game. The second part, on Oct 16, will discuss other features of game play and give you the opportunity to practice.
Wed, Oct 10
6:30-8:30 pm: Bill Nye: Science Guy (2017) [NR] [1:41] in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library. In this installment of Center Aisle Cinema, Bill Nye is a man on a mission: to stop the spread of anti-scientific thinking across the world. The former star of the popular kids’ show “Bill Nye the Science Guy” is now advocating for the importance of science, research and discovery in public life. With intimate and exclusive access—as well as plenty of wonder and whimsy—this behind-the-scenes portrait of Nye follows him as he takes off his Science Guy lab coat and takes on those who deny climate change, evolution and a science-based worldview. Shown in collaboration with POV, PBS’ award-winning nonfiction film series.
Thu, Oct 11
5:30-6 pm: Spanish Story Time / Hora de cuentos en familia in the Children’s Program Room at the Columbia Public Library. Another great program for kids ages 2-5 (with an adult)—Enjoy stories and songs in Spanish presented by members of University of Missouri Voz Latina. (Disfrute de las historias y de las canciones en español.)
Fri, Oct 12
2-3:30 pm: Tech Help in the Training Center at the Columbia Public Library. Did you know there are lots of technology assistance programs on a wide variety of Windows, Mac, and internet topics at the Columbia Public Library? You can drop-in during the scheduled times and learn at your own pace with interactive tutorials for beginning and intermediate Windows users. Choose among topics including keyboarding, mouse skills, computer basics, email, internet browsing and navigating files and folders. Tutorials are also available for Windows 10, Microsoft Word, Excel and more. Library trainers will be on-hand to offer support or help you navigate the basic functions of your Windows, Android or Apple laptop or device. Staff are unable to troubleshoot or repair malfunctioning equipment.
Sat, Oct 13
3-4 pm: Stories in Art, Art in Stories for kids ages 5-9 in the Children’s Program Room at the Columbia Public Library. Nurture your child’s interest in reading, visual literacy, creative thinking and language development. In each session, a picture book will provide the jumping-off point for an art project that encourages active looking, listening, imagining and creating. Presented by the Columbia Art League. To register, call the library at 573-443-3161 and ask for the Children’s Desk. This is a regular event, so if this time is full, there will be more.
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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See all the events, and details, by viewing the calendar in the right column.
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