Highlights for Oct 15-21, 2018. As always, events are regularly added and updated, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
Mon, Oct 15
7-9 pm: Acting Auditions for “Clever Little Lies” at Talking Horse Productions. For those who have the acting bug, auditions for this play will consist of cold readings from the script. It is noted that a copy of the script will be available at the library; contact Talking Horse for details. The play is scheduled for performance dates in December 2018.
5-8 pm: (5pm reception, 5:30pm lecture): Gavan Lecture: Natural Selection – NOW! by Dr. Virpi Lummaa (University of Turku, Finland) in 112 Swallow Hall at the University of Missouri. Description: Nutritional, epidemiological and demographic changes that accompanied the Industrial Revolution have led to major shifts in disease patterns, lifespan, family size, and age at puberty. These social and cultural adaptations have led some to question whether the use of modern medical care and effective contraceptive methods means that evolution by natural selection has stopped. Dr. Lummaa will also discuss we may now be predisposed to non-communicable diseases such as Alzheimer disease, cancer and coronary artery disease. Moreover, differences among individuals still lead to selection favoring certain heritable traits. Increasing evidence suggests that the transition to modernity has also altered the direction and intensity of natural selection acting on many traits, with important implications for public and global health.
Tue, Oct 16
6-7:30 pm: Postpartum Depression or Anxiety Support Group meets at the South Providence Medical Park, University of Missouri Health Care. This monthly group provides support and resources to parents dealing with depression or anxiety within the first year after having a baby, and attendees do not have to be patients in the University healthcare system. First-time participants should arrive 10-15 minutes early to complete a brief questionnaire. This group is intended for parents to attend without their children.
Wed, Oct 17
2-3 pm: Curator-Led Exhibition Tour – British Humour: Satirical Prints of the 18th and 19th Centuries meets in the second floor Focus Exhibition Gallery of the Museum of Art and Archaeolog in Mizzou North. Alisa Carlson, Curator of European and American Art, will lead the tour contextualizing satirical prints by British artists William Hogarth, James Gillray, and George Cruikshank. This focus exhibition will consider the significance of social and political criticism in democratic societies. The role of the artist as critic will also be examined, including consideration of recently discovered evidence about the lives of these (in)famous caricaturists. This thematic exhibition consists of ten to fifteen artworks.
Thu, Oct 18
11 am-1 pm: Disability Issues Candidate Forum at Woodhaven. The Boone County candidates for State Representative will be answering questions related to disability issues. Topics covered include education, healthcare, employment, transportation.
Fri, Oct 19
6-9 pm: Open Mic Night at Fretboard Coffee. Participate or spectate at this monthly event open to all styles of music and art—any instruments, music, or spoken word.
Sat, Oct 20 – Homecoming
Mizzou Homecoming Parade.
9-11 am: University of Missouri (MU) 107th Homecoming Parade, located through the MU campus and downtown. The parade will be later this year because the game kickoff time is later (3pm). Details are still pending as of this post, so check the Website links in the calendar notes for route and other details.
Sun, Oct 21
3-4:30 pm: University Singers of Mizzou Fall Concert – In Our Hands at Campus Lutheran Church. This concert will feature the works of di Lasso, Buchenberg, Caroline Shaw, and more, with special guests: Mizzou New Music Ensemble, directed by Dr. Stefan Freund. [$5 suggested donation]
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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