Highlights for the week of Nov 19-25, 2018. As always, events are regularly added and updated, so check back for more, and details for all of the events are in the notes section of the calendar. Remember, if you need more info, use the links and contact info for the event—sometimes details change before we can catch them.
Mon, Nov 19
7-9 pm: Auditions for Peter and the Starcatcher in the PACE (Performing Arts in Children’s Education) Building. Columbia Entertainment Company continues the auditions on Nov 20. This play is based on the novel by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, adapted by Rick Elice. Participants do not need to attend both nights. There are 12 to 13 main roles in the show, and those actors will also play other characters and set pieces. A few ensemble members may also be cast, bringing the planned total number of cast members to 12-16.
Wed, Nov 21
Argentine Tango dance classes, Wednesdays at DrinKraft.
7-9 pm: Argentine Tango Class and Practica at DrinKraft. COMO Tango, a collective of Argentine Tango dancers and teachers who are passionate about growing a community of Tango dancers in Columbia, offer this weekly class.
Thu, Nov 22 – Thanksgiving Day
Most events are rescheduled for the holiday. We recommend checking any remaining events on the calendar to see if they have been rescheduled or cancelled.
Fri, Nov 23
11:30 am-12:30 pm: Mizzou Football Concert Series – Shiloh Country Band will perform between Hearnes and Faurot Field before the game.
Sat, Nov 24
Shiloh Country Band will play at the Mizzou Football Concert Series before the game on Fri, Nov 23.
9 am-12 pm: Home Depot Kids Workshop: Gingerbread Man Ornament. Kids, ages 5-12, with their parents can drop in and build the kit, while supplies last.
Sun, Nov 25
2-4 pm: The weekly Community Drum Circle meets at Good Nature. Drumming and dancing in Good Nature’s large basement space. They welcome all drummers and dancers.
Do you know of any other fun, free events going on this week? Please share the details in the comments, so that everyone can benefit!
Have a wonderful week!
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